REVIVE BEHAVIOR HEALTH, LLC. a total program where anyone who requires mental health solutions, including the stress and anxiety that is connected to COVID 19, homelessness, Aged-Out foster care, Veterans assistance, and other related challenges in the state of Nevada, have a place where they will have access to a variety of services such as housing, therapy, training, counseling, and employment.
After 20 years of experience assisting and providing counseling, support, and services to people who have been disenfranchised and mentally challenged in our community, Dr. Glories Powell introduces a program developed to assist in necessary areas of concern using the 'Five Pillar Strategy.'
Renewed self-confidence and self-sustainability are the keys that anchor the success of the REVIVE BH. Through our professional staff and services, we know that together with supportive companies, REVIVE will be a valuable source of continued support for our clients as they transition into a new life of health and happiness.
REVIVE BH, LLC. is the beacon in the search for the provisions and services that will produce measurable outcomes with evidence-based results. Revive has the tools capable of repairing our community's fabric that has been ripped to shreds by poor employment, under education, and emotional trauma through domestic violence, and generational, socio-economic dependence on governmental programs. It has been an ongoing observation that our society and community (especially the youth) have been plagued with stress, unemployment, domestic conflict, and anxiety, which has produced mental health challenges and social dysfunction.
REVIVE will make this population of serviced people an exciting movement into energizing self-confident individuals striving for a better life for themselves and a better home for their families.
Call today for an appointment!
Dr. Glories Powell
Cell: 702-290-1728