Watch "The Spirit of Revelation" with Bishop Dr. Glories Powell on Glories Powell Ministries' YouTube Chanel. A new program airs every Sunday at 7:30 pm PST
The Spirit of Revelation
The Certain Sound Pt2 with Dr. Marina McLean and Bishop G. Powell
The Meal that Heals Dr. Deontia Atkinson on the Spirit of Revelation with Bishop Glories Powell
'A Certain Sound' Bishop G Powell, Dr Sharon Billins
Say it! 2nd half of Pt 2 The enemy to Creative Speaking Bishop Glories Powell
'The Spirit of Revelation' was inspired by God as the answer to the Apostle Paul's prayer that '... the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation in the knowledge (epignosis) of Him.'
This word means complete knowledge. Paul prayed that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of His calling.
God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness and has made us partakers of his Divine nature. This fraternal communion has given us the same DNA as the Father. We are no longer 'only' human, but we walk as Christ did on this earth. For as He is in this world, so are we. (1John 4:17) We can only enter this level of knowledge by revelation.
You will be able to grow in the knowledge of God as you engage the teachings and give yourself to the study of the Word and prayer. You will also find that the Holy Spirit addresses a series of topics each week that will confirm what He has already put into your spirit. God is raising you to fulfill your purpose and reach your Divine destiny!
Follow the path of scripture and discover the plan of God and the purpose of God as you engage 'The Spirit of Revelation.'
Eph 1:4; Gen 1:27; 1John 3:2; Eph 4:13 and Eph 2:6